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  • UAH179,244
  • (USD 4,500)
Introduction in operation – the end of 2009.
The site of the complex `Tsarskaja Tropa` gives a special investment appeal to the project.
Today, as well as 150 years ago it is prestigious and comfortable to live in Livadia.
Livadia is the monument of Russian and world history connected with the names of three last Russian emperors, it is the former imperial manor of Alexander`s II wife, Nikolay`s II residence. Alexander III has deceased here. Tsarskaja Tropa, the track laid in the sixties of XIX-th century, was intended for foot walks of imperial family persons between two manors in Livadia and in Oreanda, belonging to the imperial clan. After the death of the imperial family in Petersburg, in spring of 1919 the remained Romanovs were waited in the Yalta port by the English ship `Malboro` which has removed them to Europe.
At the very end of II world war all the world has started talking about Livadia: it has become history as a place of carrying out of the Yalta conference which has in many respects predetermined the political shape of Europe of the second half of XX century.
At this conference the chiefs of the Antihitlerite coalition states I.V. Stalin (USSR), F. Roosevelt (USA) and W. Churchill (Great Britain) have adjusted military plans of definitive defeat of nazi Germany, have produced conditions of its unconditional surrender and have scheduled main principles of the general policy, concerning a post-war world arrangement. At the conference the concern was reached that Soviet Union in two-three months after capitulation of Germany would enter in a war against Japan. In the Livadia palace the decision was accepted on creation of the United Nations Organization and convocation of the United Nations Conference in San Francisco on April, 25th, 1945.
The amazing landscape of Oreanda and Livadia, picturesque coastal rocks, natural grottoes involved many well-known artists and writers. Here Ayvazovsky painted a view of Yalta, the American writer Mark Twain used to walk. In 1901-1902 L.N. Tolstoy and A.P. Chekhov had been going round in Oreanda.
The marvellous nature, clean air, close neighbourhood of the sea and mountains – these advantages still remain a priority at a choice of a housing accommodation. The generous Crimean sun gives over 2000 hours of solar light per year, creating a glory of a magnificent resort with Mediterranean climate to Livadia. The warm period of the year is 213 days; the average temperature of the air in winter is 6˚C, the average temperature of the air in summer is +38˚С.
More than 2400 species of plants are known In Crimea. 240 of them do not grow in any other corner of the world. On the nearby vineyards established as early as in the twenties of XIX-th century there grow the grades of grapes of the great value, being used for manufacturing of high-quality, basically dessert, wines.
The housing complex `Tsarskaja Tropa` is unique not only by its situation, but also by building technologies, which have been used at its erection.
The geographical features of Southern coast of Crimea were taken into account at building of the complex. Geological prospecting works have been especially attentively spent at the very beginning of construction. Builders consider all the properties of rocks on which the complex settles down. Seismic stability has been checked up on the territory where `Tsarskaja Tropa` is situated, and a high degree of reliability of a relief has been defined for the future building. Drainage system constructions provided by the plan of erection, allow the object to be protected from congestion and descent of deposits, and also ground waters at any time of the year.
The elite complex `Tsarskaja Tropa` occupies the territory of 0,661 hectares and includes:

• a three-section house with apartments, cafe, fitness center, sauna and underground parking place;
• a one-section house with drugstore, office spaces and underground parking place;
• a platform for rest of adults and children with a pool and a bar;
• a fitness and health centre;
• a beach with a bar, water attractions, hire.

The project provides various lay-outs with a magnificent view on the sea and mountains:

• One-room apartments - from 44,06 m2 to 83,99 m2.
• Two-room apartments - from 73,03 m2 to 130,03 m2.
• Three-room apartments - from 113,38 m2 to 191,55 m2.

Technical characteristics:

• construction system of the buildings: monolithic-skeleton system;
• base: a ferro-concrete plate of 900 mm;
• external walls: gas-concrete blocks of 400-500 mm, with an external heater (50 mm, foam-polysterol);
• interroom walls (between apartments): gas-concrete blocks of 300 mm;
• intraroom walls: clay bricks 120 mm thick (only in bathroom);
• overlappings: monolithic-ferro-concrete of 200 mm;
• roof: a metal tile;
• elevator: 1 item, `Otis` 1000 kg;
• system of heating: autonomous (roofing, gas);
• water supply: centralized;
• installation of telephones and TV up to guards on floors;
• transformer substation built in a relief.

Both houses, as a matter of fact, are cliff-houses (houses, built in a mountain slope). The four-level structure makes them open as much as possible, and allows to enjoy emerald distances.

Strict lines, fencing, outside ladders and a part of walls made of natural stone underline solemnity and solidity of construction, being in harmony with severe slopes of Mogabi. The beige shade of the plastered walls and a terracotta tile of the roof, which is typical for country manors, soften the shape of a building.
Introduction in operation – the end of 2009.
The site of the complex `Tsarskaja Tropa` gives a special investment appeal to the project.
Today, as well as 150 years ago it is prestigious and comfortable to live in Livadia.
Livadia is the monument of Russian and world history connected with the names of three last Russian emperors, it is th...

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