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€17,000  Plot of land Alcossebre Castellon

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  • €17,000
  • Alcossebre Castellon
ALCALA DE XIVERT ALCOSSEBRE. plot located in PL POLYGONO 49 188. According to the PGOU Part of the plot is located Classified in Developable Land without Detailed Planning Sector N 8. Part of the plot occupies Structural Endowment Land of the Structural Road Network (E/RV) foreseen in the PGOU. This land is not developed currently there is no program subdivision or approved urbanization on the sector. For the development of Urbanizable Land the provisions of the second and third Chapter of the second title of the Alcal de Xivert Urban Regulations will apply. According to Annex II of the PGOU. Part of the plot occupies an area classified as Non Developable Land of Special Protection in the area of protection of infrastructures and hydraulic public domain (Rambla de Estopet). Part of the plot is affected by the PATRICOVA Geomorphological Danger. It will be applied among others by DECREE 201/2015 of October 29 of the Consell which approves the Territorial Action Plan on flood risk prevention in the Valencian Community. PATRICOVA Part of the plot occupies the Police area of the Public Hydraulic Domain.

Plot (sqm):9920

ALCALA DE XIVERT ALCOSSEBRE. plot located in PL POLYGONO 49 188. According to the PGOU Part of the plot is located Classified in Developable Land without Detailed Planning Sector N 8. Part of the plot occupies Structural Endowment Land of the Structural Road Network (E/RV) foreseen in the PGOU. This land is not developed currently there ...
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