Agents   >   Philippines Flag  Philippines   >  National Capital Region  >  Manila
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  • ₱57,364
  • (USD 1,000)
Century Properties Inc. is the first real
estate Company in the Philippines,

Philippines is in the heart of the Asia-Pacific
Region – one of the fastest growing
economic region in the world. Its strategic
location near Asia`s 10 major cities, its
English language-proficient workforce, and
its young population, with approximately
45% below the age of 20, make it attractive
for outsourcing and investments.

Its economy is driven largely by an
extensive, first-rate BPO sector; massive
worldwide expatriate remittances from its
global Filipino workforce, ranked #4 in the
world only next to China, India and Mexico;
and a dynamic, multifaceted tourism

With close to 100 million people, and being
the 12th most populated country in the
world, it has remained remarkably resilient,
being only one of 3 Asian countries that
posted positive GDP growth during the
recent downturn of 2009. Its recent
economic triumphs have created a
burgeoning middle-class that`s eager and
able to afford new housing, personal
amenities, and a better quality of life. This
trend is powering the country`s present
robust consumer spending and real estate
boom. With property prices going at a
fraction of their major Asian counterparts,
Manila has become a potent base for
international business and investment.

Indeed the Philippines` highly technologized,
future-focused cities, positive economic
policies, friendly people, and vibrant city
culture make it a viable center for any global
Century Properties Inc. is the first real
estate Company in the Philippines,

Philippines is in the heart of the Asia-Pacific
Region – one of the fastest growing
economic region in the world. Its strategic
location near Asia`s 10 major cities, its
English language-proficient workforce, and
its young population, with approxim...

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