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Rp4,294,967,295  Plot of land Bali

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  • Rp4,294,967,295
On the sale of land in Padang Sambian Klod (West Denpasar)., 15 minutes from Kuta, close with Carrefour, Bali Mall Galeria Dan. The land area of ​​700 mē, land already in the foundation kelililing, cert property rights. Land prices for all land 700 mē, Hub: Owner directly to the property without Agent

Di jual tanah di Padang Sambian Klod ( Denpasar
Barat).,15 menit dari KUTA , dekat dgn Carefour ,Dan
Bali Mall Galeria.
Luas tanah 700 mē , tanah sudah di pondasi kelililing
,sertfikat hak milik.
Harga tanah untuk semua tanah
700 mē ,
Hub: langsung ke Owner tanpa Agent property .
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On the sale of land in Padang Sambian Klod (West Denpasar)., 15 minutes from Kuta, close with Carrefour, Bali Mall Galeria Dan. The land area of ​​700 mē, land already in the foundation kelililing, cert property rights. Land prices for all land 700 mē, Hub: Owner directly to the property without Agent

Di jual tanah di Padang Samb...

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