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Rp165,000,000  Apartment / Flat Lenteng Agung

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  • Rp165,000,000
  • 2 bedrooms
  • Lenteng Agung
marketing office 021-92970155 60x promo phased installments Hail Success! Together with this letter we `Optimistic` Proud and want to offer apartment-City LA, residential vertical in South Jakarta. The general description of the apartment LA-City are as follows: * Land Area: 1.5 Hectares * Location: Home station KRL Lenteng Agung, close to Jl. TB Simatupang Jl. No. Lenteng Great Eastern. 39 Jagakarsa South Jakarta * Building: 3 connecting Tower, 24th Floor, 46 units, a total of ± 1.000 units * Type of Room: Only 2 types, (Studio and 2BR) * Fas. Building: Elevator 6 units, emergency stairs, parking, security system, cable tv etc. * Fasos fasum: Hall, school, playground, jogging track, swimming pool, `` bird park, fishing and restaurants, etc. * Price: Starting 165juta-an, installment / installments of just 1 million-an * How to Pay: Cash Hardware / Incremental Cash / Bank KPA / KPA Developers So that can be informed as part of our offer, thank you for all the attention and cooperation. Sincerely

marketing office 021-92970155 promo
bertahap 60x cicilan Salam Sukses!
Bersama surat ini kami dengan `Bangga
dan Optimis` ingin menawarkan Apartemen
LA-City, hunian vertikal di Jakarta Selatan.
Adapun gambaran umum dari Apartemen
LA-City adalah sebagai berikut : * Luas
Lahan : 1.5 Hektar * Lokasi : Depan stasiun
KRL Lenteng Agung, dekat dengan Jl. TB
Simatupang Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung Timur
No. 39 Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan *
Bangunan : 3 Tower connecting, 24
Lantai, 46 unit, total ±1,000 unit * Tipe
Kamar : Hanya 2 tipe, (Studio dan 2BR) *
Fas. Gedung : Lift 6 unit, tangga darurat,
parkir, security system, tv cable dll * Fasos
Fasum : Aula, sekolah, taman bermain,
jogging track, swimming pool, `bird park`,
pemancingan dan restoran, dll * Harga :
Mulai 165juta-an, cicilan/angsuran cuma 1
juta-an * Cara Bayar : Cash Keras/Kontan
Bertahap/KPA Bank/KPA Developer
Demikian yang dapat diinformasikan
sebagai bagian dari penawaran kami,
terimakasih atas segala perhatian dan
kerjasamanya. Hormat Kami,
marketing office 021-92970155 60x promo phased installments Hail Success! Together with this letter we `Optimistic` Proud and want to offer apartment-City LA, residential vertical in South Jakarta. The general description of the apartment LA-City are as follows: * Land Area: 1.5 Hectares * Location: Home station KRL Lenteng Agung, close to Jl. TB S...
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