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BRL8,000,000  Business Mt

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  • BRL8,000,000
ihave one big farm in Barzil

for sell in Mato Grosso state

Finance of 2.440 hectares in Gaucho of the North - MT, with 1.400 hectares

farmings, could be easily transformed in pastures. Finance 70%
enclosed in the exchange value. Earth planes (plain),

varying between
33 and 45% of
clay that is very good in level of Mato Grosso. Forest area of
transition with a lot

of wood still. nascent of the river Mirassol is
born in the middle of the
farm. reserves legal in day as well as whole

the documentation, deed
from 76 and Georreferenciamento in you do of conclusion. Finance is
the most beautiful of the

area, for it location (26 KM of the city)
and it infrastructure as well as of earth that you/they are 1.400

in one
alone . The thirst constitutes of 2 houses, a thirst another of employee,
tavern, 2 lodging for diarists, 2

storerooms for pieces and
defensive chemical, workshop,big house for machines and implements,
reservoir for 15.000 lts

of fuel, artesian puddle, box for water
(reservoir) for 15.000 lts, orchard, vegetable garden, barbicure,
pasture for

cow of
milk and kid goats, etc... Everything new, because it was just built
to 3 years,
everything in masonry of

first, painted in blue and white. The thirst is all
enclosed with sans?o of the field. Very fertile lands, once it is area

wood. High index pluviométrico and two guaranteed harvests. An if soy and
corn or rice and soy. The farm is

to 26 km of the reception grocery stores
(Cargill, ADM, etc...). One of the areas of new border that more grows in

state of Mato Grosso, the municipal district has the agricultural
activities as extention
and the activities

are: Soy, Corn, Cotton, Rice, sunflower,
Milheto, Sorghum, seeds of pastures, Rubber plantations (Eraser), Caj?,

Price: R$ 8.000.000,00 (Eight Million Real) in other words, R$ 3.278,00 for
Payment to


if there is serious interest i can send to u pictures to the farm and house
if u can do that buissness

plz contact me at tetefarm
ihave one big farm in Barzil

for sell in Mato Grosso state

Finance of 2.440 hectares in Gaucho of the North - MT, with 1.400 hectares

farmings, could be easily transformed in pastures. Finance 70%
enclosed in the exchange value. Earth planes (plain),

varying between
33 and 45% of
clay that is very good in ...

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